Tuesday, March 22, 2011

summer sun's calling my name

My post on Brussels is still in progress, but I had a lovely day today and therefore wanted to post about that and the weekend before it slips my mind as I try to recall the dozen other things I should post about.

We had a surprisingly gorgeous weekend--a bit chilly (meaning highs in the low fifties), but sunny. Saturday Lauren, Caitlin, and I went to the Marche des Lices, where we picked up some pastries as well as food for lunch (I grabbed some brie, amazingly fresh strawberries, and saucisson sec). We also stopped at my favorite tea place in town, which was lots of fun. Both Caitlin and I slept over at Lauren's on Saturday night, and we made tacos for dinner. SO YUMMY. Someone really needs to introduce France to Mexican food. They have no idea what they're missing out on.

I went to the ice rink Sunday morning, figuring that early on a Sunday morning would be my best bet to actually be able to practice. It certainly was! I skated for a solid hour and a half, ran lots of moves and ice dance, and tried jumping. Unfortunately, my ankle seized up due to the jumping, so I decided to stick to moves and dance. It was lots of fun skating on my own again (this was the longest I'd been off the ice since I started skating), and then Lauren and Caitlin showed up a few hours later and I skated around with them. The downside is that I am still in ridiculous amounts of pain. Being in running three times a week shape is nowhere near being in skating shape. My muscles are so not happy with me for skating, and it's possible I somehow managed to bruise my right ankle just by forcing it into my skate. Why did I pick this sport again?

Amazingly, the weather has stayed sunny (I think at this point we're at four straight sunny days, which is incredible). This has done wonders to change my opinion of Bretagne (which, as recently as a week ago, I considered a godforsaken place due to all the rain). I don't ask for much, just a little sun to keep me happy. Today Lauren and I were off of work in the afternoon, so I went into Rennes and we had a picnic lunch at Thabor. It was no Ile de la Barthelasse, but we'll excuse that for now, because there were no clouds in the sky. We were quite French about the meal--more cheese, bread, saucisson sec, strawberries, and wine. We spent about two hours simply luxuriating in the sun without jackets on, and I think I might've gotten a decent amount of Vitamin D for the first time since coming to Rennes.

So yay for food, friends, and SUN.

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