Monday, September 20, 2010

Conversations with the French: Is that a cow's eye I see looking at me?

1) On politics:

A conversation between me and my hosts regarding my sister’s decision to go to school in Minnesota:

Me: I went to school away from home, too.

Host Mom: Couldn’t you guys find anything at home that suited you?

Me: Well, I suppose, but in the US it’s very common to leave home for school. It’s seen as a way of becoming independent.

Host Dad: Ahh, Katherine’s a crazy capitalist!

Me (internally): QUOI?

2) On vegetarianism:

My host parents when their neighbors stop by: This is Katherine. She’s American, and she doesn’t eat much meat. Oh, we’re having brains and liver for dinner, do you want to stay?

3) On considering the virtues of vegetarianism:

(this is more a short story than a conversation)
Katherine, beginning to feel the slightest bit hungry, opens the fridge. She sees an eyeball looking back at her. A split second later, she realizes it’s a part of a skinned cow’s head. Katherine closes the refrigerator, no longer feeling the slightest bit hungry. Fin.

4) On pronunciation:

Host brother: Do you use vasbu?

Me: Comment? (that’s what you say when you need a repetition or seven)

Host brother: le phazebu?

Me: I've never heard of it…

Host brother: phazebuk?

Me: FACEBOOK? Oui oui oui!

I then descend into a fit of laughter.

5) For you Franglais out there:

Host mom: Il n’y a pas depuis.

Me : Depuis quand ?

Turns out she was saying ‘il n’y a pas de pluie.’

A bonus number six because they just keep making me laugh:

Host Dad: We LOVE Obama here.

Host Mom: He’s so handsome and good-looking!

Katherine laughs.

Host Mom: Oh, I’m sure he’s a good president, too.

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